Tips To Getting Free Stuff From Companies

All of us love to save some money on our everyday expenses. Some of you might shop for coupons and discounts for this purpose. In fact, some of you might be using referrals to save some money on your next orders. On the other hand, there are many of you who prefer to trawl the internet in search of the latest freebie offers by manufacturers. Even though I do all three of these things to save money on my daily expenses, I prefer freebies since you don’t have to spend anything to get free stuff.

The problem with the majority of individuals searching for freebies in the United Kingdom is that they will search Google for the websites that offer free samples and not do anything further than that. This method is not enough to find the best free products and samples offered by numerous manufacturers in the United Kingdom. On the other hand, it is important to remember that getting a freebie is a privilege and not a right as most people would think. There are many other techniques that you can use to shop for freebies on the market. In fact, I use websites, apps, coupons, and write to companies asking them for freebies in exchange for product reviews. Here are some of the most important methods of getting freebies from companies in the United Kingdom.


Freebie websites have the latest information on the free samples offered by leading manufacturers in the UK. They give you the chance of getting freebies by testing them or offering a review for the particular product. Just searching for “freebies UK” will bring up a list of websites that give you free samples. But there is one big disadvantage of relying only on websites when hunting for freebies. You may get into a frenzie of applying for freebies that you don’t use. For instance, there is no point in getting baby food samples if you don’t have a baby. On the other hand, there are many webmasters that try to scam the innocent searcher by asking for their phone numbers selling it to companies. That is why it is important to have strict rules on what freebies you want to have and don’t want to have when shopping for freebie websites. You should also beware of surveys that won’t allow you to say “not interested” in irrelevant questions and request for your phone number to win a competition. It is better to skip such surveys.


Apps are great to find free stuff from various companies in the United Kingdom. In fact, if you are on o2, you should download o2 Priority app for this purpose – you can download it without being a customer of theirs. I can’t reiterate enough the importance of this app to get free stuff from various companies in the UK. In fact, I have got so many free samples from my lovely app such as coffee, gifts, food, drinks, chocolate, full size toiletries, storage boxes, wrapping paper, clothing, and much more items. In fact, earlier this year I got an England Rugby shirt and a 500ml Nuva water from boots. I can write for a whole day if I have to list all the freebies I got only from this one app. Unidays ID is another great app for students – it has gotten me some freebies and a lot of student discounts from time to time. Student Beans is another great app for students.

Writing To Manufacturers

This works great when getting freebies from various companies across the United Kingdom. In fact, this is something that I’m learning to do more often than not. You can write to a manufacturer asking for a freebie in exchange for an honest product review for the product. It helps build a great business-client relationship too. If you have a blog, you can easily offer a product review on your blog for your visitors to read. Even though many people don’t do this, it is a great way to get freebies – especially full-sized products from manufacturers.


This is another great way of getting some good quality free samples in the United Kingdom. Most of you may have friends involved in direct marketing or MLM. Most of my friends involved MLM play games on the Facebook profiles – where you all say a word, and the last individual to say the exact word before the host say it wins a free sample. I have managed to bag some of the best freebies that way without having to spend a penny on them.

There is another advantage of hunting for freebies. In fact, you will get a couple of free vouchers with the free samples so that you can stretch your budget a bit further. All this will help you save a lot of money at the end. In fact, there is much more to freebie hunting than just browsing online. The above article list some of the most effective methods in this regard.

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